Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Someone I thought I Met

Holy Molly

Hello, hi, hey.
How is it Heath?
Having seen her here
Her hair’s hues.
Humans all have hues.

Increasingly indigenous to me
Incessantly not always
Involved. So begin to
Invoke your name
I do.

Making more remarks
Mostly mesmerizes.
My muscles move
Motivated by emotions.
Mind is part me.

Only obscuring obsoletes me
Over others who appear
On order for eyes
Oscillating, avoiding me.
Organs can be eyes.

Lovely looking is a
Little objectified while
Longing to learn and
Live with her life.
Longing is not lust.

Like love leashes
Linking the lovely or
Losing the lonely for a
Lifetime of longing.
Links are on a chain.

Young and yearning for
You. Meekness seems
Yours and a type of
Yelling would animate.
Yesterday is ended.

Heath Achatz 11.05.03

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