Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Mass Post #2 Pre-2004

They showed me a picture of 2 apples and a pear. They asked me which one was different and does not belong. They tell me different is wrong.

I’m disappointed
A@# hole
Does being different mean
A person who won’t show
What’s inside
Not a pancreas or spleen
My bowels move to expel
That which I hide

I’m claiming
Freak soul
Do I oppose to be seen
With those who show
What they are
Not ring fingered or keen
This pen pours forth
About half my worth.

You’re mistaking
Can your own ways
Differentiate the lifestyle
That’s a lie
Not being cool or craze
You push ideas of why
Those you don’t own

Still defining
The whole
Is that the sum
All that makes me
My entirety
Not twisted or f@#ked up
I’m the embodiment
Of my desire.


Thinking of You

I will fall.
Here I dwell
Nothing will compare
To your great love
Overwhelmed by your presence
When I’m with you
Thinking of you.

And I’d give myself away
For a chance for you
Face to face.
Content I am here
Knowing you in your presence
Loving forever more with you
Thinking of you.

The days I’ve lived Not seeking for you
There was nothing for you.
I do despise that time without you.
You are my everything
How did I live without you
thinking of you

I cannot describe
I cannot ascribe
A comparison for you
You are my love
I cannot think of
I cannot find
Anything apart from you!
Thinking of you.



Curled hair flowed
Down to the end of her back.
The first thing I noticed and
I was lost. Until
I was found in her
Smile so often it came.
She always wore
Clothes that inspired me.
The words she spoke,
They were always real.
For two years I was
Only ten feet away.
(This nearly everyday.)
A smile;
A head nod;
We stared
Each others
For five
Six seconds.
This is the girl
I never met.



Cant stop to think to feel
Resting on my own will
Yearning to be found out

Never to be left alone sought
On this plateau of misery
Wielding my own self for you.


Enormous Vile Dragons

When the grip is gone
And I played the pawn
The dragon arose
My soul inside froze.
Why am I not the best
Why am I like the rest.
The dragon dies in me.
My Jesus sets me free.
Pride is much less.
When I am in humbleness.

Your eyes will rot.
Your claws fall out.
Your tongue be twisted
Your innards digested.
Pride was your name
Now death is the same.



Here for the things that
Make the world move for
Wisdom and the experience of
Learning and the unending ideas that fall to the
Ground. After the pursuit of
Love and the want to be
Accepted by everyone that means
Something. Wanting to be
Included in every thought, every piece of
Gossip. Wanting all the
Men to brag about. Wanting all the
Women to boast about. Wanting what
Makes the world go around. Never
Wanting what is needed. What will be
Enough. Where’s the want of


WWJB? (who would Jesus bomb?)

The glory shrouds nations
All rumbling all races
Rushing hate with
Cause- the bombs the
Raging cannons
Found history

Heath Achatz 11.05.03

Yummm ... Pain

There is a body
And it’s inside of me
There is a dying
It’s laying on myself
And I am weeping
And I am dying
Surrounded by the lies
That I tell myself.

Butchering my soul
Beating my mind
(come to me)
(come to me)

Let alone in this Hell
I can’t feel my ownself
Looking deep inside
The truth I see it

And I am bleeding
And it’s filling my mouth
Then I speak
And it falls to my feet
They are red and I am ....

Butchering my soul
Beating my mind
(come to me)
(come to me)



Start with a decade
Multiply the decade by two
Add a quarter of the first
Now the age is made.

Color of skin set as that of fullness
Height of feet: foot, foot, foot, foot, foot, foot.
Color of hair close to absence, but not.
Physique almost perfect, but less (not really).

Shapely for certain
Above the shoulders rests
One and one and two unique
Perfect. Close to absence, sometimes a curtain.

Coverings always a right
Dark most times, not always
Usually a coat, no sleeves
Speaking eloquent with a slight

Definitally a mother
And who is rushing in?


F and S

How does Hell get in my head
When God is in my heart.
Fouled up beyond all recognition
Still I am fulfilling the mission
Placed in time for now.

Can’t f@#king figure out how
I exist with this inside
Could it be my own soul I lied
To? I feel like s@#t.
My life doesn’t seem to fit.

Everyday I see kids hurting
Everyday with death I’m flirting
My empathy reaches out for them
My throat’s filling with phlegm
I shouldn’t have had that smoke.

And I’d write more if it mattered.


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