Wednesday, January 26, 2005

And this is Real

“Why I see Spirits”

Remote I live my life remote
Unable to stay as I am
Unwilling to be what I will
Finally I’ve obtained a primrose view
Though it fades as I remove
My red lens glasses.

What purpose does this serve?
The physical world, my shirt,
This chair, the dirt only exists for
Spiritual reasons, purposes and conflicts
Though barely anyone realizes the
Intent of the physical.

Press out the red lenses
Smash them to thousands of pieces
Too small to use them all
Unscrew them to three
Different parts. Look now.

Are things duller now?
Perhaps the realness is more
Evident in the physical but
These elements are not what
Creates the world.

Moving or stationary
Using eyes or blind
I see what exists.

I’d rather it be red
Then to see a blur of
The unreal, fake instead.

When the physical is
Unimportant it’s true.

When the spiritual resides
Over life unknown to us.

Those who are led by the spirit

They are the sons of God.


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