Wednesday, January 26, 2005

One of My Favorites

Unto the Spirits in Winter

(It is snowing: large, fluffy, white, and slow)

Travels, travails, thinking thoughts throw
Me into worlds unknown and ideas unthought.
Lost in this little life, learning by letting losing last.

Snow white softly fell
A light symbol of Hell.
Today I am with the guys
Although it is most wise
Never despising the time.

Why is there no women
Instead I have woven
Left to myself I might
Let my mind bring sight

Begot to me in my own
Everything that I disown.

Displayed before me again
Eating away at my chin
Stabbing my smile to a shard
Today ignorance is hard.
Raping is taking without
Owning. So I reflect and pout.
Youth brings this emotion
Endlessly it comes to motion
Depending on my will.

Wondering where we wander without words whirls
Me into worlds unknown and ideas unthought.
Moving more momentous as the meticulous monstrosity mounts.

Just dealing with insecurity
Even though I thought superiority
Slowed me down or made me stop.
Unresolved it keeps rising to top
Selfishness and uncomfortability go together.

When it is just the guys
I can cast out all lies.
Living transparent and whole
Loving my Jesus, looking for His control.

Between me and her it’s there
Even when at times I swear.

Nothing could ever be worse
Or better perhaps I could curse.

It’s real and I know it’s not
Seemingly these feelings rot.

Visions come before me or
I might create them for
Comfort to ease me heart
Towards God my feelings dart
Out of love for Him, no sin,
Respect for His children
Yearning will be for my Jesus.

Sickly sinking soberly slithering it’s shoving
Me into worlds unknown and ideas unthought.
Found forever, free from flaunting fiercely.

(It’s still snowing.)


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