Saturday, February 05, 2005

Granted It's 4:00 AM

I am working the midnight the time of day when most sleep,
Except my brother and some night walkers I know.

Granted I just passed the point that tired point at about three AM, where the room shifts
And you can feel the Earth rotating.

My mouth began to speak, more in a whisper.It said "permeate".Then "God permeate".
A couple times. Then about ten times or so.

I was making tea. Not consciously thinking about the camomile permeating the water. But at the same time I spoke "permeate".

I thought I better look up the word. It is 4:00 am; I couldn't rememeber what it meant.

per·me·at·ed, per·me·at·ing, per·me·ates
To spread or flow throughout; pervade:
To pass through the openings or interstices of: liquid permeating a membrane.
To spread through or penetrate something.
One that can permeate.
Todiffuse through or penetrate something permeate transitive senses: to pass through the pores or interstices of.
Spread or diffuse through
Penetrate mutually or be interlocked

I know God created the world with words as far as we can tell. That's the whole meaning there.
I decided to look up the etemology since God has been around along time and check where the word came from. Here are some ideas:

1432, from L. permeabilis "that can be passed through, passable," from L. permeare "to pass through," from per- "through" + meare "to pass," from PIE base *mei-/*moi- "to change" (cf. Czech mijim "to go by, pass by," Pol. mijam "avoid;" see mutable). The verb permeate first is attested 1660.

I like that idea. " God permeate me. Change me and pass through me."

It's 4:07 now.

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