it was snwing. the first storm of the winter. the birds were taken naware and i saw one fall onto the ground in about two inches of snow. he just couldn t take off. he couldnt run fast enough in that snow to jump and get high enough to use his wings. you see, birds fly by using their wings, and when, with a little help , my bird got into the air, he flew far far away!
airplanes are much like that bird- as long as their wings keep them in the air they glide along beautifully and safely to their destination; but if they get tired and come down into the snow in some mountian side, they just give up until they are helped off the ground.
did you ever start somthing like knitting a sweater or playing hte paino and then suddenly drop it for some other intrest? i guess we all have. how difficult it is later to start over agin where you left off.
you see birds fly by flying, by using their wings. if an eagle should refuse to use his wings for a year- or even a few months- he would have difficulty in starting to fly again. it seems to me there is a pretty good idea there for all of us.
when you start something, keep at it. dont give up just becasue you are tired or becasue you want to do somehting else- finish what you start to do and then pick up after you put your playhtings away in the proper place.
the sunday school is where you learn to live on a high level with jesus . rememebering that birds fly by flying so speaking kind words, living every day with thoughts of jesus leading you forward on a high level and keeping you up there, and at making the following words your promise to jesus.
"i will follow thee , lord."
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