Saturday, May 21, 2005


in some ways i feel i am at yet another impass. i was listening to something. it made me feel good. i dont know if this is becasue it appealed to my mind or my spirit. but it said sometihing like:(and i misquote) "dont be temped by those who are excelling past you beyond you, and doing it in their own strength, and in their own time. wait on the lord and you will find yourself in the place he has placed you, wait on the lord. "

it just so happend that the topic on Becker dealt with this last night. (yes becker with ted danson-its still on and still wonderfully sardonic). well mararet ran into a friend who she used to sing with. margaret hd given up singing to be a nurse. he friend had made it big in the singing business and margaret felt she had wasted her life her time. but as a nurse she was touching lives daily and the Dr. was lost without her.

sure this could have been seenas a way for hollywood to inforce the middle class and make them feel like they shouldnt stirve for the millions, but simply do there meanial tasks, but it also displayed the usefulness and purpose in a persons life where they are at the present not where they could have been or could be. what made it dually intresting is that if anyone has seen becker a few times they most likely know maragrets faith on the show.

so if i really knew the definition of empass id put it here becasue it may simply be a time that we are existing in the presnt for the present, not necessaily a big change or happenstance that will move us into greater and more wonderful things in our eyes. we may be there continually.

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