Sunday, February 12, 2006

Spiritual Direction Excerpts

Part 5

Harmony and comfort ar more important than grappling with hard issues. ( a problem).

Such groups miss out on the fullness of life with god’s people.

Christians throughout history have been a pendulum swing between being too accomadating toward culture and too separate, seeking refuge in cloisters, the desert, or the halls of a church building. (hmmmm)

Whatever sharing the good news looks like in the new mellinuim it will have dialogue at its core.

If we knew our enemies secrets and stories, their pain and suffering would defuse our anger toward them.
In the face of difference, we have an opportunity to enter mystry that reminds us of our need to trust a god who is begger than our boxes for god.

“it took me years to figure out that god is my anchor. It is not my grip on god that matters but his grip on me. God is bigger than my adversaries who want to damage my faith. God is bigger than my doubts and questions.”

Everyone has the potential to teach us about god.

When the search for truth is reduced to an insistence on comformity to dogmatic principles devoid of love, it does not model jesus’ insight into the care for the hearts of others.

If I am willing to show up the holy spirit will do the work

Until I felt heard in my pain I wasn’t able to hear others who tried to challenge me.

Conviction can happenwhen people know then are cared for and loved for.

We can live with differences because we know truth not just as proposition but as relationship weith the savior who dies that we might be one with him and his father.

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