Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sounds you cannot here

science books tell us that there are many sounds which nobody can hear. many insects talk beyiond the range of the huuman ear.

you can see sound sometimes, when you cant her it. put some tiny iron fillings on a peice of paper, then hold a magnet beneathe the particles of iron fillings , and as you move it backa and forth watch the particles hit together and form various patterns. can you hear them hit each other? no!

there are sounds you cant hear but you can feel - whent he church organ is playing you sometimes feel the pew vibrate just a little. it does happen, and the notes that make it vibrate are so low in the bass sectioon that you cannot hear them.

you never heard a bat sing; in fact the voices of many insects are too shrill to be heard by human ears. but these all seem to be able to hear us! any slight sound we make mseems to startle them.

isnt our relationship to god in prayer something like that? he hears our prayers whether we speak words or silently think them, and he answers, we may be sure of thast.

he answers not to our ears but he truly speaks to your conscience and mine, distrubing us, telling us what is right and what is wrong.

he surley speaks to our hearts and minds telling us clearly that love is better tha hate. that we should be kind and considerate toward one another and always trustworthy. thus did jesus grow , not physically , but also mentally and spiritualy - in favor with god and man.

thoughts like these come form john sargents book form 1960

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