Saturday, March 05, 2005

In My Head for about 15 minutes

I am working the midnight .

I will blog random thoughts.

I’ve been wishing the same thing at 2:22 for the past 7 years at least. It hasn’t happened yet.

Some of this may be lyrics.

War: I drove in a car and flew in a plane to come to your house and kick your door down. Now it’s come to this (this is war) it’s just you and me. I’ll blow your F$%#in head off – for my country.

I obviously don’t understand war.

People aren’t perfect.

You don’t realize what you’ll miss until you miss it.

A rallying war cry is being voiced by creation. By those that god has created. It is a war cry away from materialism. A war cry toward god.
A war cry away from even food of this world for spiritual food, for Christ’s spirit.

The spirit of the lord is moving among his people. God’s spirit is answering their prayers as creation has longed for this rallied army so the spirit of god is groaning with in men creating this call. Our tomorrow is his today.
The gates are opening the past and present are secondary to the future that is being realized with god.

The light of the world.

This culture of death where man relies on his understanding; Where woman relies on her understanding, is passing for a culture of united brothers and sisters who have turned over the thoughts of humans, who have turned over the ways of man and embraced the ways of God.

(I just turned on transatlanticism and it feels like my organs are in a blender inside me L )

The ways of god not the ways that man thinks. “We must stop trying to equip this generation with familiar weapons, but rather start by letting them use what is in their hand.”

I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer.
I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer. I need you so much closer.

When god decrees anything it comes to pass. He created the entire world with his word. His word will not return void. God spoke and it was . Jesus is the word. You do the math, tell everyone the answer.

It’s not that easy. All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the lord and all the families of the nations will bow before him, for dominion belongs to the lord and he rules over the nations.

Who would Jesus bomb?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but the forces of darkness in this world, spiritual forces.

A vampire needs blood to live. What does this mean?

(Oh how I miss substituting the conclusion of a confrontation with a kiss. )

Royalty, royal priesthood, holy nation, royal heirs or should we say the people who trust god to shape the nations. To mold them to a form that he recognizes, a holy form.

And we don’t say everything that we should so we can say later – oh you misunderstood!

Self-discipline matters.

I feel subtle as a window pane in your view and wont wait for it to rain so you can see me (but I will wait).

(No hidden agenda: less fun or more real. Both? Let me count the ways I abhor you and you let me down every time, what can I say I adore you.)

From my ways to his grace
Discipline my hands
Reveal righteousness
Keep righteousness
Keep justice
Blessed are those who hunger and seek after righteousness
What god is doing will happen

People are ready for god
Gods spirit will be given in abundance
The pagans will know you
A meeting place with god will be established
And it will be known
God’s word does not return void.
In the end all will come to the lord or…

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