Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dream.. Needs Intrapretation

I had a dream again, this might be the 100th or so i'm really not sure. But they’re all different any way. This is what happened.

We were in a type of school. I’m not sure who we were, but I remember that I knew everyone and they knew me, but not every face was the same, or even recognizable for that matter. One of them was a client at work. A client who has been diagnosed “crazy” because she sees people and talks to them they says. Well we were doing something and I was pounding my hand on this oak coffee table I did it once and twice then when my hand came down the third time everything started moving slower and things had those streaky lines in them a little like the matrix when things move so fast its slow.

Well as this was happening my hand went through the table…..

And the “crazy” girl said to me “you’re in the spirit world”.

I came back quickly to this reality and fell back onto a couch. I immediately got up and said lets go find out what happened. I thought that this class might be some type of voodoo so I thought I should go see someone knowledgeable in the ways that God moves so I could be sure which “spirit world” I was in. so the crazy girl and Johnny went with me. We drove in a red car, i’m not sure what kind I just know it was a red car. We went to Brian wak’s house. We pulled in and no one was there. He shortly pulled up in a small blue ford escort. That isn’t what he drives in waking life.

He got out of his car and was wearing fisherman’s hat. We greeted each other with a hug and he invited us in.

The inside f his house was enormous, though not overly clean. Most of it was a shade of green, all different shades of green. We walked around as if we were getting a tour of the place, Brian was talking to john.

After some time we came to a room with a bar and stools. We leaned against the bar. The room had a dark green floor and light green ceiling that rose nearly 100 feet in the air. Here we began to tell him about what happened to me. I don’t remember any words only that sounds came out of all our mouths and he understood and shook his head up and down. At times our conversation transported us to some couches or cushion chairs; we never got up we simply ended up in the chairs, and back at the bar again standing up leaning against it. He sounded out some stories about his encounters with god.

Our conversation was ended and I only had the sense; the feeling to be careful and check the spirits before I believed one way or the other. As we about to leave, yet still inside the house that was green it happened again, I sorta entered the spirit world, things were moving slower in the physical and I was outside of it the colors sorta bended yet were more florescent.

I know we headed out to the car and left his house. I know I did not get an answer either.

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