Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Looking the other way

These thoughts are mostly directed at those who have the mind of Christ. If this doesn't make sense renew your mind.

We have all heard the great pressure when asked about the homeless we encounter; do you look the other way  pretend you are busy, hurry to do something else (that is if you encounter homeless). Most of us look the other way, not because we don't care, but because we care and don't think we can do enough (we simply do not have enough resources). Truth is whether it is expressed or not a simple conversation is valued. Even eye contact, anything but ignoring those in need, pretending they are not their may seem to make things easier, but in reality you feel it and they feel it. Next time you see someone wave to them, smile at them, or talk to them.

Now there are the other people we encounter. Those not homeless, but the people that don't seem to quite fit in. They may seem goofy, smelly, eccentric, or some perceived version of weird. We see them in the store, at the gas station, in restaurants; sometimes they are working some times they are consuming. Often we ignore them as well, or give them casual formatted, programmed responses. "how are you? "good" "whats happening?" "not much" Have a good one" . We try not to engage with them; it's either too much work, not worth our time, or just inconvenient (sometimes they don't want us to). Really most people want to be recognized for almost anything, whether it's just saying hello and giving a real answer or asking a real question or truly complimenting someone.

So these simple suggestions above that are not inherently wrong do a few things, but one of them is they create change. They change the people we encounter, they change us, they do in fact change the very world. Whatever it means, I have heard it said that Christians/ believers in Jesus should be "agents of change".  Well, i guess it means that as agents we have a job and that job is to change the world. The world was perfect, it was corrupted by sin, thus we have a law of entropy. Believers in Christ should be willing to change this law, they certainly are able. all things are breaking down to chaos to decay: human bodies, the governmental system, the food in the fridge, relationships, the roads, systems of thought and belief. But the Christian can change this, because they are a new creation in Christ, have the mind of Christ and the holy phantom within.

now what responsibility does the believer in Christ have to change the law of entropy/ the work of sin in this world in regards to their fellow believer?

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