Wednesday, December 01, 2010

im lost im found

Just trying to save the world
When it has been saved
Though it doesn't know
And tries to blow
All theology( or anything involving Theo)
Out of the window
Out of the house
To any place where it doesn't see
Isn't reminded of the greater state
The state it is in
And here we are the great ambassadors
Sent by the savior of this already saved world
Though it doesn't know.

It's time to use the ambassadorial authority
Time to show what the savior has saved
It's done the deal is sealed set in stone
Written on hearts set as a seal a brand
On hearts of those saved and aware
Aware of their state of savedness
Release from sin, power over sickness
Authority over all realms and ruling through him
Who saved the world and made us found.

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