Real name: Matthew Michael Murdock
Occupation: Lawyer
Identity: Secret
Legal status: Citizen of the United States with no criminal
Place of birth: New York City
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: DAREDEVIL #1 Vol. 1
History: Young Matt Murdock saw a truck about to hit a blind man,
and hurled himself in front of it. This good deed changed his life
forever, when a can of radioactive waste fell from the truck, broke
open, and irradiated Murdock. The accident blinded the young New
Yorker, but also mutagenically heightened his other senses. He
later met a martial arts master, Stick, who taught him how to use
his newly augmented senses – and trained him as a fighter. Murdock
went on to college, and fell in love with Elektra Natchios. When
Elektra fled, Murdock threw himself into his law studies. When his
father, a boxer, was killed by mobsters when he refused to throw a
fight, Murdock sought justice in vain. Finally disillusioned by the legal
system, Murdock assumed the guise of Daredevil. Further fueled to
vengeance and crime-fighting by the death of Elektra, Daredevil uses
his radar senses to forever seek justice, whenever his law degree
fails him.
Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Known powers: Daredevil possesses the normal human strength of
a man his age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular
exercise. Daredevil's five sense are heightened to beyond that of
even superhumanly enhanced sense. Although Murdock is blind, he
can "see" by means of his "radar sense", which acts not unlike sonar.
Daredevil is an Olympic level athlete and gymnast, possessing
extraordinary agility, endurance, skill and balance. Daredevil's unique
fighting style (a blend of ninjitsu, judo and American-style boxing)
makes effective use of his Billy Club, which is used as both a baton
and grappling hook.
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