Friday, February 11, 2005

Holding Back...

Prévenir Quelqu'un en Faveur

oh i don't know
I just can't say anything
Not a thing no, no, nothing.
Like i wrote with the keyboard
I now say like i could afford
To have my brains sucked out
By you, oh without a doubt.
And what does this mean
This saying, this scene?
It means something strong
But oh what if I'm wrong.
It tells I'm not thinking
Like if I’d been drinking.
Like when you are flattered
From that heart that pattered
And moved a bit too fast.
That moved for this person, this last?
So what is sucked out
Is fear I’m becoming without.
And what are my brains
But all of these pains
That stop me from you
That won't let me do
What I should
Oh, if i could
It'd be great.
I'd call it,
I'd call it
A date.


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