Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Year

The new year is approaching again. Time keeps moving and i'm moving with it.
i was saying i celebrate my birth annually.
i would say i celebrate my death more than annually.

Friday, December 09, 2005

The Operation Dad Had

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Completed tracheostomy:1 - Vocal cords2 - Thyroid cartilage3 - Cricoid cartilage4 - Tracheal cartileges5 - Balloon cuff
A tracheotomy or tracheostomy is a surgical procedure performed on the neck to open a direct airway through an incision in the trachea (the windpipe). (Technically, the former term, with the Greek root tom- meaning "to cut," refers to the procedure of cutting into the trachea, whereas the latter term, with the root stom- meaning "mouth," refers to the procedure of making a semipermanent or permanent opening. Tracheostomy can also refer to the result of the procedure, i.e. the opening itself.)


1 Indications for a tracheotomy
2 How a tracheotomy is performed
3 Complications
4 See also
5 External links

Indications for a tracheotomy
The indications for tracheotomy are:
Acute setting - maxillofacial injuries, large tumors of the head and neck, congenital tumors, e.g. branchial cyst, acute inflammation of head and neck, and
Chronic / elective setting - when there is need for long term mechanical ventilation and tracheal toilet, e.g. comatose patients, surgery to the head and neck.
In emergent settings, in the context of failed endotracheal intubation or where intubation is contraindicated, cricothyrodotomy or mini-tracheostomy may be performed in preference to a tracheostomy.

How a tracheotomy is performed
Curvilinear skin incision along relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL) between sternal notch and cricoid cartilage
Midline vertical incision dividing strap muscles
Division of thyroid isthmus between ligatures
Elevation of cricoid with cricoid hook
Placement of tracheal incision. An inferior based flap or Bjork flap (through second and third tracheal rings) is commonly used. The flap is then sutured to the inferior skin margin. Alternatives include a vertical tracheal incision (pediatric) or excision of an ellipse of anterior tracheal wall.
Insert tracheostomy tube (with concomitant withdrawal of endotracheal tube), inflate cuff, secure with tape around neck or stay sutures.
Connect ventilator tubing
You can also make a simple horizontal incision between tracheal rings (typically 2nd and 3rd) for the incision. Bjork flaps may produce more intratracheal granulation tissue at the site of the incisions, making it less favorable to some surgeons.

In my dad's case the vocal cords have been removed.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I feel we need to continually question all the conventions of "the church" and determine which are biblical/godly and which are humanistic.