- I woke up and turned the light on then i slept for another half hour, but not real sleep.
- after showering (which wasnt that pleasant really) i made some cofee and let it cool
- i took a significant amount of time putting all the things on that people put on, myself particulally -all the different smells....
- then when i went back upstairs some oatmeal was made.
- i put honey and cinnomon in the oatmeal.
- i drank a few sips of the coffee.
- then i went outside to enjoy th brisk weather... 56 degrees F it said.
- so i turned the ehat on in my jeep.
- i thought about how briskness is nice becasue you can get warmed up.
- and the drive was wonderful as wel.
- i didnt pass anyone; this made things go a bit slower... alot slower actually, but much more relaxing.
- then i stopped for gas and gave exxon mobil more money to make bombs, but it was brisk out and i was able to reenter my jeep to warm up again.
- so the rest of the ride was also relaxing as i didnt pass anyone again.
- the music that i listened to this morning consisted of The Postal Service, Ani Difranco, and Iron and Wine. This may be a large part as to why things were so relaxing this day, this morning.
- Thus i pulled into the school and parked where i usually do, not too close, but it's always open.
- Currently the moment is taking place in Statitics.... where appararently there are no statistics to work on.
- As simplee as those facts seem, and un exciting, and un romantic, and basically bland, they were a peaceful and harmonous experience, and it seemed all the world shared this view... for a moment.
"nihil autem opertum est quod non reveletur neque absconditum quod non sciatur"
-Jerome's Latin Vulgate 405 A.D.
"The time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public."
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Dream with Points
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I dream of History
Dream 9.20.2005
It was at some VFW hall, but there was a long hallway and stages on both sides of the hallway. Stages and the curtains were drawn. Where there were no stages there were white doors all which appeared to be locked. I had the sense that I needed to do a project for something, I don’t think it was for school but none the less a project needed to be done.
Well I found one of the janitors, he was wearing a white jumpsuit and had back hair, he also had paint on his jumpsuit. He looked like a painter. I told him I was going to be making a sculpture and needed 50 lbs of clay. He said that it was no problem and there was a 200 lb order coming in and he could easily add 50 lbs to it.
The next day I can back and one of the whitedoors were open (there were random other people out in the hall now). I went in the white door and it lead to back stage. Here I found two wood crates, on very large the other half the size. I figured they were the caly and both were to heavy for me to move. I decided to go and get my brother aaron to help me move these things.
Whne I met him, on the streets of a carnival, I told him I was making a sculpture of Mr. Sharrad (he taught history in my highschool some 10 years ago). He seemed impressed but seemed to wonder why I wanted to make a sculpture of him. Isaid he was a historic figure…..
Well when we got there and went through the open white door the boxes were gone. We looked around a little bit but could not find any wooden boxes. I had a sense that I would now not be able to complete the project and I felt worried. I’m glad I woke up because the feeling of worry only grew.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Fire Dream
This dream was in a four hour period of sleep and doesn’t end because I was waked up.
I was living in Niagara Falls NY in a two story yellow house. There was a van in the garage. The streets were paved. The surrounding houses were white and all looked somewhat similar.
I seemed to be working n the van in the garage. The van had a riding lawn mower inside of the back of it and a red plastic gas can. Well something started on fire. It was the back top of the van (which was baize in color). I think we may have tried to se water to put it out but it didn’t work. Well I looked and the fire had gotten the roof of the garage on fire, the roof had brown shingles. We had called the fire department, but when giving directions I went to the street corner. There were street sign s at all four corners, but each sign had a different road name on it, that was 8 different names, so I just guessed which it was. At this point I noticed some fire near the gas tank of the riding lawn mower and the plastic gas can was burning so I was afraid of an explosion.
Well we moved out to the corner on the road, just then an army truck pulled up full of National Guard soldiers. A woman came out.she had blond hair and a black suit on. She told us all the firemen were busy. She opened a brief case and as the national guards got out of the truck they each took a name badge from the briefcase and clipped it onto their uniforms. They then got out guns from the same brief case and proceeded to load them…. All this while the fire raged on and I was expecting an explosion at any moment.
Next each national guard member had to get the pocket knife from the brief case, well they couldn’t tell them apart and were holding them up to the light and passing them around.. Just then… I was awoken from my sleep by my brother.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Dream.. Needs Intrapretation
I had a dream again, this might be the 100th or so i'm really not sure. But they’re all different any way. This is what happened.
We were in a type of school. I’m not sure who we were, but I remember that I knew everyone and they knew me, but not every face was the same, or even recognizable for that matter. One of them was a client at work. A client who has been diagnosed “crazy” because she sees people and talks to them they says. Well we were doing something and I was pounding my hand on this oak coffee table I did it once and twice then when my hand came down the third time everything started moving slower and things had those streaky lines in them a little like the matrix when things move so fast its slow.
Well as this was happening my hand went through the table…..
And the “crazy” girl said to me “you’re in the spirit world”.
I came back quickly to this reality and fell back onto a couch. I immediately got up and said lets go find out what happened. I thought that this class might be some type of voodoo so I thought I should go see someone knowledgeable in the ways that God moves so I could be sure which “spirit world” I was in. so the crazy girl and Johnny went with me. We drove in a red car, i’m not sure what kind I just know it was a red car. We went to Brian wak’s house. We pulled in and no one was there. He shortly pulled up in a small blue ford escort. That isn’t what he drives in waking life.
He got out of his car and was wearing fisherman’s hat. We greeted each other with a hug and he invited us in.
The inside f his house was enormous, though not overly clean. Most of it was a shade of green, all different shades of green. We walked around as if we were getting a tour of the place, Brian was talking to john.
After some time we came to a room with a bar and stools. We leaned against the bar. The room had a dark green floor and light green ceiling that rose nearly 100 feet in the air. Here we began to tell him about what happened to me. I don’t remember any words only that sounds came out of all our mouths and he understood and shook his head up and down. At times our conversation transported us to some couches or cushion chairs; we never got up we simply ended up in the chairs, and back at the bar again standing up leaning against it. He sounded out some stories about his encounters with god.
Our conversation was ended and I only had the sense; the feeling to be careful and check the spirits before I believed one way or the other. As we about to leave, yet still inside the house that was green it happened again, I sorta entered the spirit world, things were moving slower in the physical and I was outside of it the colors sorta bended yet were more florescent.
I know we headed out to the car and left his house. I know I did not get an answer either.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Bicycles... Discernable?
men you go out to the garage - or to the street and ,::~ into your automobile you find it a very simple proce:~:-e. You just open the door and sit down and wait for =- ~ car to start.
:~'s the same with an airplane. Even a horse will stand
,,:: and let you mount without much maneuvering.
But a bicycle! Of course you can lean it against a fence - - :z. tree and have little trouble getting on it. But that is ~.' ~ ~he way to do it I
Yau have to LEARN to get on to a bicycle. It is almost
_..~ trying to mount a colt that has never been ridden.
'\\hat fun for those who watch you I What bruises you
.::-: trying to master that thing! Learning to ride a bicycle.
_\ bicycle has to be moving when you get aboard, otherT ~~ :'ou are right off again, flat on your face with your .:~~~ tangled in the wheels and the saddle on top of you I ~- ~ second you are on - even before you actually get ~£ ~ed. you have to start pedaling - and then the faster .,. _ pedal the surer you are of staying on.
: - fact it is very simple to ride a bicycle when you are r~ ~g fast, and actually it is much safer - except in the c-tet or sidewalk when you might hit someone who is Tl:L'1g.
:- ou see, actually, a bicycle is of little use unless it is r- -g somewhere, unless it is active.
- Y; you stop and think about it, the bicycle has a good .c- ~ ~~ for you. God gave you hands and feet, not to be
':..~ or to be harmful in any way to others, but to be active L-': ~c have a purpose - to so live that others will find
~:-~:..!1~ss because of you and may be led into right ways
.- ~~mce.
~ ~s taught us all that kind of leadership, when, accord
r:.: -:'0 a statement by Paul:
He went about doing good." ACTS 10 :38.
Monday, September 05, 2005
VERNES Message
bringing in the sheaves
verne harris
preach christ daily when n needed use words.,
- romans 12.1-2
- john 4.26
it matters more that you do your task than what it is.
- luke 3.9
- 2 Corinthians
god wants to bring people him
- colisians 1
he will save anyone,
Thursday, September 01, 2005
The Church - A Crisis
this is a legal definition of "a church" by the IRS.
this site shares God's heart for the church, yet is uses church with multi-meanings as the church and "churches".
All i can rememeber is that iwas in an italian restaurant ith a lot of italian people. eating spaghetti, and then i wasat work. and people from life in christ were there. i woke up.