Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Teeth Dream

After eating a ton of pizza before bed last night I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in my parents house, their bathroom by the front door. My teeth started hurting and I looked in the mirror and felt my teeth with my hand. The bottom row on the left side came out in my hand as a set. There was a small amount of blood and some pain as well.  Since they were a set I tried to place them back in but the pain was to great so I held on to them. I was rinsing my mouth out and spitting out blood when out popped the top half of the back left side of my teeth, all in a set. These bleed a lot and I continued to rinse my mouth. When there was less blood coming out I looked up at the mirror and saw that without teeth that side of my face sagged in and it was extremely painful to put my too gums together. I must have been making some noise I thought ( I also thought I wonder if my gold cap fell out); because my younger brother and mother came in to see what was going on. I showed them my mouth with the missing teeth and my mother was horrified. I told her it didn't’ hurt that bad.  She said it was the redness and the bumps. I looked in the mirror and noticed that that side of my face was also missing, this exposed my missing teeth and gums as well as some muscles. At this point I said to y self, that’s enough. I woke up and my teeth on that side were very sore; I am certain I was grinding them.

Heath dream 3.26.2013

(any intrepertations welcome)

1 comment:

Sonja said...

You are stressed/anxious about something and you aren't coping with it well enough in your waking hours.

Thinking back on my endless teeth dreams, I feel they were reflecting my fears / anxieties / worries regarding changes and big decisions I was either facing... or just feared having to make. I would wake with my teeth aching from clenching my jaw so tight at night. My dentist set me up with a bite guard because I was wearing my teeth down.

Now that I'm feeling much more secure and stable (employment, education, relationship, etc) I haven't had a teeth falling out dream. Exercise helps work out some of the tension/stress so that you don't take it out on your teeth.