Monday, April 24, 2006


A family in my neighborhood once brought in two cocoons that were just about to hatch. They watched as the first began to open and the tiny butterfly inside squeezed very slowly and painfully through a tiny hole that it had chewed in one end of the cocoon. After lying exhausted for about ten minutes following its agonizing emergence, the butterfly finally flew out of the open window on its beautiful wings.The family decided to help the second butterfly so that it would not have to go through such an excruciating ordeal. So, as it began to emerge, they carefully sliced open the cocoon with a razor blade, doing the equivalent of a Caesarean section. The second butterfly never did sprout wings, and in about ten minutes, instead of flying away, it died.The family asked a biologist friend to explain what had happened. The scientist said that the difficult struggle to emerge from the small hole actually pushes liquids from deep inside the butterfly's body cavity into the tiny capillaries in the wings, where they harden to complete the healthy and beautiful adult butterfly. Without the struggle, there are no wings!!!!

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