Saturday, October 22, 2005


You may have heard about the dream that I had a couple weeks ago. Let me retell it.

There wasn’t much to it, but this was the setup. Myself ,Daredevil, Wolverine, Storm, and Nightcrawler (from the marvel comic books) were being held captive at the New Life Christian Academy Building. We wondered who could be keeping us captured, since they were super heroes.

I looked down the hall and saw the man. It was the million dollar man; Ted DiBiase. He had a bobble head.

We all decided that we need to combine our strength if we are going to be able to get out. Everyone decided to channel there energy into me, so we held hands. The order was Daredevil, me, wolverine, storm, and night crawler. Storm shot lightening through wolverine’s adamantum skeleton and used his healing factor so I would be ok to handle the electricity. I was able to think and lightening would come down and strike the earth; I accidentally toasted a desk.

For several days I told people this dream; I thought it was quite funny and unrelated to anything I knew. However today while resting in the presence of God the dream was brought back to my remembrance and God revealed to me what the dream meant. It was an allegory of the state of the church. Each characters role and characteristics play a major part in the interpretation, so I have included them below before the interpretation.

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